The Advisors work with the UNITE Board to provide services and support to the UNITE user community in mentoring, advocacy, education, and conference content.
These members are subject matter experts who contribute their time and talents to improving the UNITE Community, the knowledge level of members, and the member experience at conferences.

Paul Kimpel
UNITE Chief Technology Officer
San Diego, CA
Paul started his career at Burroughs in 1970 on the then-new B6500, working with Large Systems at Burroughs and user sites through the 1970s. He founded Paradigm Corporation in 1981 to provide custom software development, system support, training, and consulting services for Burroughs and Unisys ClearPath MCP systems. Paul has been a regular presenter at UNITE conferences since 2001. His main interests are in the areas of data base and transaction processing system design, web-enabled user interfaces, integration of MCP and Microsoft environments, TCP/IP networking, object-oriented programming, and emulating old computer systems. He still programs in Algol. Paul holds a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware.

Alan Lechtenberg (Deceased)
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
We are very saddened to report that our friend and colleague, Alan Lechtenberg, passed away on November 8th, 2023.
Alan had been a valuable member of UNITE and the Unisys user community for many years and had always been a strong contributor of ideas, plans, and philosophy of this user organization. He generously contributed his time and intellect to the user community through planning and managing conference content, personally delivering quality technical presentations at UNITE conferences, and through his mentoring of UNITE members and the UNITE management team.
Alan had over 30 years’ experience in hardware and software development, working in Engineering at Unisys, and then at the University of Washington for over 20 years supporting Unisys software, hardware, and services, building custom system software, and consulting with application development teams. Most recently, Alan was a technology manager of storage and servers for the University.
He will be sorely missed by all those who knew him or worked with him in any capacity.