GEN / MTP / SEC 6526:
CISA - Your Official Source of Cybersecurity Alerts and Vulnerability Management

Date/Time:Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 12:15-13:15 EST
Speaker:FG Bonney, MGS, Inc.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is America's Cyber Defense Agency. This session will explore the many types and frequency of resources it supplies, including:

  • Alerts and Advisories,
  • Various training options,
  • Process and procedure guidance documentation,
  • Recommended security frameworks,
  • Information on Ransomware and defenses,
  • Activities of State Actors, and
  • The capability to request and receive help.

CISA is the U.S. Homeland Security department that is responsible for tracking and distributing information on cyber threats to America's networks, infrastructure, governments, businesses, schools, and all other organizations. CISA works with various security departments of public and private organizations within the USA, including the FBI. It also works with and publishes joint alerts with allied foreign cybersecurity agencies.

We will review certain email alerts and advisories, published ransomware threats,  mitigation processes and techniques, some of the training available, and discuss paths to report Cyber Issues and get help.

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Session Chat:

01:09:32DJordanThanks ggod job!
01:09:39Andrew D WalkerReacted to "Thanks ggod job!" with 👍
01:09:50Luke NumrychThanks for the presentation!
01:10:03Ray Stallings GECUGreat Job. Make friends with your local FBI office!