GEN / MCP / MTP / OS / SEC 6569:
Cyber Recovery for Unisys Environments

Date/Time:Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 11:00-12:00 EST
Speaker:Donald Greenwood, Unisys Corporation
Steve Koss, Unisys Corporation

We are excited to introduce you to the Unisys Cyber Resiliency solutions. These solutions provide an automated cyber resiliency capability that will allow you to recover your environment in the event of a cyber-attack.

This session is for both our 2200 and MCP clients.

Your organization should attend this session to learn how to customize your environment so you can recover from a cyber-attack quickly. The topics include:

  • How do you ensure your data is validated to be free from malware?
  • What data and files do you need to conduct a recovery operation?
  • How do you ensure your data survives a cyber-attack, allowing you the ability to recover?
  • How do you train your team to perform the recovery?

Download Slides Adobe Acrobat .pdf

Session Chat:

01:03:17James C. RymanWhat external software accesses the MCP .asd disks directly updating/inquiring?