MCP / MTP / OS / SEC 6761:
Enhance Your Business Services with Effective Monitoring, Analytics, and Security

Date/Time:Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 13:30-14:30 EST
Speaker:Debi Ray, Sightline Systems

Enterprise business services are delivered and supported by complex layers of enterprise servers like ClearPath MCP and OS 2200s, application servers and network servers of various types, and virtualized environments including on-premise and cloud deployed elements. All of these are bound together with networks and their various supporting components.

Securing and protecting these enterprise business-process assets requires integrated, comprehensive, real-time data collection and monitoring, as well as advanced predictive analytics with anomaly detection and alerting that are supported by machine learning to recognize irregular patterns and feed root cause analysis.  These capabilities must also be supported by robust protection of all data, all processing results, and analytical results with encryption and a zero trust architecture.

This session will explore the techniques and value of monitoring and analysis provided through:

  • Establishing baseline behaviors in capacity consumption, internal platform traffic and network interface traffic
  • Extending real time data collection and analysis to IOT and OT devices in the enterprise
  • Detecting unusual behavior in processing, in capacity used, and network traffic
  • Applying predictive analytics and root-cause analysis of observed anomalies
  • Monitoring primary storage processor traffic and air-gaped backup storage processor traffic
  • Alerting of unusual behaviors through integrated analytical tools and to any enterprise services management facility
  • Delivering status and alerts through a single dashboard with drill-down functionality.

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